Bobby Charlton has made his feelings clear over England's chances of winning
Euro 2004. And he sites stopping your best players from playing as the major
reason: He says
"The fact Rio is not going is a big blow,"
"You've got to have your best players going into these tournaments, so I'm not
thinking we're going to win it.
"We should be doing better in these championships, but our game's got so big it's very hard to keep players fresh."
And he must also remember how DB07 played during his time at United.
"David's the best long passer I've seen for a long time," he said. "His passing is
accurate and panics defences, but there are a lot of things he doesn't have.
"He can't beat a player one-on-one and his left foot's not as good as it should be.
"But knowing him, I'm sure he will still be practising."