Last updated : 26 July 2004 By Editor
A South African referee dispelled any doubt that football is more important than life and death over the weekend when he shot dead a coach and wounded two
players who challenged a decision.

A yellow card awarded to a player during a match between two local teams in
Kenton-on-Sea in Eastern Cape province prompted protests from the coach and team. That is a common enough occurrence at matches but in this case the
argument turned into a fight which the referee settled with a bullet.

The coach of Marcelle club was hit in the chest and died on the pitch and two
players were hit in their hands by the same bullet, according to the South African Press Association.

"There was an altercation and the referee became threatened when the other
team approached him because they were angry," said Inspector Mali Govender
of Grahamstown police. "So he pulled out a gun and killed the coach of the
visiting team."

The unnamed referee fled the scene but police were confident he would be soon
caught and face one charge of murder and two cases of attempted murder. The
dead man's name would be released after relatives were notified.