Sir Alex Ferguson has said that the plight of Scotland's national team isn't down
to Berti Vogts but down to the way schoolboys are taught football.
"I could see the dangers many years ago. You can go back to the early 1980s
when the teachers stopped looking after the kids' football.
"That was the first downfall because schools football was disciplined and I
thought it was the foundation for all the best players.
"At the same time boys club football had emerged very powerfully but that is a
different animal because there's a competitive element that maybe you don't
need. Therefore you maybe take away the practice ethic with your boys.
"You need to concentrate on the practice part rather than the playing because as you know, anyone can play in a game of football but it doesn't mean to say you are a footballer. Whereas if you practise, it certainly gives you a chance to
become a player."