The Sunday Mirror and the News of the World report that they
have the bills from Ferdinand’s phone for the day when he
missed the drugs test – although neither of them report what
they reveal.
The Mirror claims that, despite claims to the contrary,
Ferdinand had his phone switched on at all times during the
day – yet it took him an hour and a half to respond to
attempts to contact him by the club.
Ferdinand had his phone switched on at all times during the
day – yet it took him an hour and a half to respond to
attempts to contact him by the club.
It is believed that his first call after leaving the
training ground was to a private medical clinic in
Stockport, and that despite repeated attempts to contact
him, he didn’t call the club for a further ninety minutes.
training ground was to a private medical clinic in
Stockport, and that despite repeated attempts to contact
him, he didn’t call the club for a further ninety minutes.
The Guardian believe that the FA are furious about this and
may charge Ferdinand with ‘wilfully avoiding a drugs test’
may charge Ferdinand with ‘wilfully avoiding a drugs test’