‘The Football Association was in complete disarray last night as two senior sources within the organisation insisted that its chief executive, Mark Palios, was not "in the clear" as to whether he attempted to mislead the organisation over his or Sven Goran Eriksson's affair with an FA secretary.
‘Palios had appeared to be completely exonerated by a statement issued by the FA chairman, Geoff Thompson, on Tuesday, but this was rejected by both sources, who both also suggested that Thompson's position was called into question because of his handling of the crisis that is now threatening to engulf the FA.
‘However, the senior sources are furious with their chairman. "Mr Thompson is not in a position to condone or exonerate anyone," one said. He insisted the 12-strong board would examine all the facts and would not shirk from taking the "necessary action". If that meant sacking Eriksson from his £4m-a-year post, he said, then that would be done.
‘Even if Palios is eventually cleared there is little sympathy for him. "It wasn't exactly sensible for Palios to go dipping his pen in the office ink," said the second source. "The remit of this inquiry also needs to explore what role the secretary had during Euro 2004, whether she attended, and if so what she did out there and who paid for her to be there."
‘The fate of Eriksson and Palios will hinge on what conversations took place and whether or not the coach was fully questioned as to his involvement with Alam.