Speaking in the Sun, West Ham’s Rufus Brevett lays into the
happy go lucky cheeky Cockneys:
"It is a disgrace. They call themselves fans but if you are
a fan you support the club through thick and thin, the good
times and the bad. We are all trying and everyone is working
so hard for us to stay in this division - and we need the
support of the fans. The stick that has been dished out to
the manager is so unfair. He sends the team out and if we
don't perform he is there on the touchline kicking every
ball. Surely the fans can see that? Those people should take
a long, hard look at themselves. It was a great win on
Monday but what happened to Glenn is on our minds and I
still can't believe it. He hates losing. He is a fan at the
end of the day, too, and the stick that some of the
supporters gave him at Bolton was just uncalled for."