Palios is on the ropes this morning; the anti-United buffoon may well find himself jobless by the start of the new season. Here’s hoping! The Guardian reports:
‘The Football Association is to hold an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the involvement of Sven Goran Eriksson and its chief executive Mark Palios with a female secretary, due to concerns that its reputation has been damaged by issuing a denial which it was later forced to retract.
‘Geoff Thompson, the FA chairman, spent most of yesterday speaking with board members by phone and said the inquiry will seek to gather all the facts before decisions are made on the futures of Eriksson and Palios.
‘While the FA board admits that the private lives of Eriksson and Palios are none of its concern the members are angry that the ruling body threatened to use legal action to fight their corner. An FA spokesman yesterday refused to confirm or deny rumours that Alam had an affair with a third FA executive.
‘The FA board is particularly keen to establish who told its lawyers to issue a denial and what the thinking was based on.’