Last updated : 01 December 2002 By Editor

IMUSA’S Andy Walsh says:

"The only thing that concerns me is that he has not resigned as chairman of the football club.

"If he is going to go, why not go now instead of hanging around like a bad smell.

"We would hope that the plc board now asks him to resign as chairman of the football club and cuts its ties with him completely.

"They could use his very generous salary to subsidise ticket prices. The club said last year it couldn't afford to extend the 50 per cent reduction offered to OAP members to OAP season ticket holders - the cost of doing so would be £120,000, and Edwards' salary is £121,000.

Oliver Houston, spokesman for Shareholders United, said they were also glad he had decided to go.

In a statement, Houston said:

“We had never actually called for him to resign until this latest foray in Switzerland.

“But this isn’t before time. Why Roy Gardner and Peter Kenyon have allowed him to resign rather than sack him is beyond us, given that he was on official club business and that it was on the eve of the AGM. On numerous ill-judged occasions he has tried to sell off the club and he has made a fortune in the process.

“Hopefully we can now draw a line under Martin Edwards’s reign and his vacancy on the board can be filled by a supporter-elected director, as Shareholders United requested at the AGM.”