"United supporters have 99 questions of our own to ask Cubic,'' said a joint statement on behalf of both organisations.
"As the largest shareholders they stand to make the most from selling out in the event of a takeover and they currently cream off the lion's share of the dividend pay-outs.
"The value of Manchester United and the profits it generates come directly from the pockets of loyal fans.
"So, we are entitled to know exactly who these people are, where they came from and what it is they expect to achieve by waging this 'dirty war'.
"Coolmore means big quiet place but we're demanding that they break their silence and tell us exactly what it is they're up to.
"We have been inundated with some potentially very explosive information in the last few weeks and whilst Cubic pay corporate investigators, we get all this for free.
"The formidable network of United fans spans the globe and we have been contacted by people from the worlds of finance, politics, journalism, law - and, of course, racing.
"There are also a great many United fans in Ireland who, like us, cannot abide what's happening to our club and have been offering their invaluable assistance.''